Corpse Bride (also known as Tim Burtons Corpse Bride) is a 2005 stopmotion animated musical fantasy film directed by Mike Johnson and Tim Burton with a screenplay by John August, Caroline Thompson and Pamela Pettler based on characters created by Burton and Carlos Grangel.The plot is set in a fictional Victorian era village in England. Johnny Depp leads the cast as the voice of Victor, while ...About the Corpse Bride; Returning to the painstaking stopmotion animation he employed with amazing success in The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton presents a hairraising legend based on a 19thcentury Russian folktale, in which a young man mistakenly weds a corpse while on a twoday trek to the village of his real bridetobe. It is up to the grooms fleshandblood fiancée, who has ...
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