Christmas Abbott 10 things to know about the Big

Christmas Abbott -

11/10/2020 · Christmas Joye Abbott was a houseguest on Big Brother 19 (US) and Big Brother 22 (US).. In BB19, She was best known for breaking her foot in Week 1. She was nominated on Day 1 but managed to survive eviction. Later in Week 1, HoH Cody Nickson made her the replacement nominee after Paul Abrahamian used the Pendant of Protection on himself. Later, Jason Dent accidentally …

Christmas Abbott (born December 20, 1981) is an American professional CrossFit athlete and a NASCAR pit crew member. She is the first woman to be seen on a NASCAR pit crew. Abbott attended Virginia Commonwealth University. Xmas Abbott does not have a deep athletics history, her only significant experience being in middle school. She began exercising after returning from Iraq as a …

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