bts hope world love yourself her tear answer kpop tattoo

bts hope world lov

TracklistBackgroundReleaseCritical ReceptionCommercial Success Hope WorldP.O.P (Piece Of Peace) Pt.1Daydream (백일몽) TitleBase LineSee more on bts.fandom.com

BackgroundReleaseCritical ReceptionCommercial SuccessTriviaTrack ListThe first mention of JHopes upcoming mixtape was printed in the ‘Wings’ Concept Book released with the album on October 16, 2016. In an interview portion focused on JHope, the rapper was asked if he had any intention to release his own mixtape and follow in the footsteps of fellow rappers RM and Suga, and he revealed that he was hinking about it but that he eed[ed] to start from considering what to talk about.JHope posted a personal log video to the Big Hit Entertainment official Yo...See more on kpop.fandom.com

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