Card Sleeves Square70 . Source Actual Dimensions SKU; Artipia Games Square 72X72 72 x 72mm 72X72SLV FFG Square Board Game Sleeves (Light Blue) 70 x 70mm FFS65 MaydayGames 70 x 70mm 72 x 73mm 7124 UltraPro Board Game Sleeves 69 x 69mm 69 x 69mm 82659 Sleeve Index
A sleeve (O. Eng. slieve, or slyf, a word allied to slip, cf. Dutch sloof) is the part of a garment that covers the arm, or through which the arm passes or slips.The pattern of the sleeve is one of the characteristics of fashion in dress, varying in every country and period. Various survivals of the early forms of sleeve are still found in the different types of academic or other robes.
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